It is quite easy to become Vakıf Katılım’s customer at any place you desire without going to branch.
You can download Vakıf Katılım Mobile Branch and become our customer through video call with our customer representative at any place you desire without the need for going to branch.
You can instantly start to benefit from our opportunities special for you.
Special Advantages Offered For Those Who Become Our Customers Through Video Call
*Five per ten thousand (0,05%) commission rate is special for our new digital customers who open an account via video call after 14.12.2022.
Other Free Services
To Open An Account Through Video Call;
Steps of Becoming Customer Through Video Call
Anyone who has completed the age of 18 and received new TR identity card can become Vakıf Katılım’s customer.
You cannot open an account through video call by using your passport or driving license. To open account, you need to have your new TR identity card with you.
For now, you can open your account through video call between the hours of 08.30-17.30 during weekdays.
You can make your application using all kinds of smart phones regardless of NFC feature.
Yes, you can become Vakıf Katılım’s customer at any place you desire by using a smart phone without NFC feature as well.
You can click “Become Customer” button again to proceed with the remote account opening process.
You need to be in a well-illuminated environment where your face and identity card can be clearly seen.
If you perform transactions using a smart phone with NFC feature, you can check whether NFC feature is enabled or not from “Settings” menu. You can become Vakıf Katılım’s customer by using a smart phone without NFC feature as well.
If you have successfully completed the process with a device with NFC feature, you can login to Vakıf Katılım’s Mobile Branch application within 36 hours by using the temporary password that we will send to you as SMS. If you have successfully completed the video call with a device without NFC feature, you need to send money to the IBAN number which is sent to your mobile phone as SMS from an account opened in your name at another bank in order to activate your account. Your temporary digital banking password will be sent as SMS to your mobile phone and then you can access to your account using Vakıf Katılım’s Mobile Branch application.
Your bank card will be printed and delivered to the courier within 3 days following the confirmation of your application.
You can receive service from the branch that you select during remote account opening process or from any Vakıf Katılım Branch.
With Vakıf Katılım Mobile Branch, you can carry out many banking transactions from your mobile devices with Android, İOS and Huawei operating systems in a fast and safe manner.