You can perform your money transfer transactions easily and instantly by following the Money Transfers-FAST-Send Money via FAST steps using Vakıf Katılım Internet Branch and Mobile Branch.
You can transfer money via FAST from our Internet Branch and Mobile Branch channels.
You can make instant money transfer transactions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by using the Send Money via FAST menu from our digital channels.
With Instant and Continuous Transfer of Funds, you can transfer money only in TL foreign currency. Transaction-based money transfer limit is limited to 1,000 TL for all participating banks by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
While FAST is a money transfer system that works on a 365 days and 24 hours basis, EFT provides service only during working hours. While money transfer made with FAST is delivered to the recipient's account instantly, a period of time is required in EFT for the money to be transferred to the recipient's account. While money is transferred with a higher amount in EFT, there is a limit of amount per transaction in FAST.
Money transfers can be made to IBAN or the recipient's KOLAS 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with FAST, which is located under the Money Transfers menus in Vakıf Katılım Internet Branch and Mobile Branch.
In money transfer transactions where the recipient and the sender are Vakıf Katılım customers, money is not sent with FAST, and you can transfer money with the option of transfer to the account.
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