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Currency Buying/Selling Currency Buying/Selling

Currency Buying/Selling

You can securely perform your currency buying/selling transactions at the most suitable rates through all branches, ATMs, Internet and Mobile Branch channels.

What is Currency Buying / Selling Content?

  • At Vakıf Katılım, you can perform all convertible foreign currency transactions quickly and securely through the Branch, Internet and Mobile Branch channels, with competitive exchange rate advantages.
  • You can perform your foreign currency and gold transactions 24 hours a day, every weekday, at advantageous rates, via our mobile and internet branches.
  • You can keep your foreign currency under the guarantee of Vakıf Katılım by opening a deposit and drawing foreign currency account.

*BITT (Banking and Insurance Transaction Tax) rate collected over foreign currency purchase transactions was reduced from one percent (1%) to 2 per thousand (0.2%) as of 30/09/2020. BITT is calculated at a rate of 2 per thousand over the purchase amount in your foreign currency purchase transactions that you will carry out from Mobile/Internet Branch and all Vakıf Katılım branches.

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