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Vakıf Katılım and Elin Enerji Has Cooperated for the Investment in Solar Energy

12 Ekim 2022

Vakıf Katılım and Elin Energy has signed a cooperation agreement for the financing of Rooftop SPP projects. Mr. Osman ÇELİK, General Manager of Vakıf Katılım, said, “As one of the most significant participation finance institutions which builds our common future with the inspiration that we take from our common history, this cooperation is the sign of importance that Vakıf Katılım pays to the environment and green”.

Vakıf Katılım, which is a participation finance institution with the strongest paid-in capital, continues to support renewable energy investments. Within this scope, Vakıf Katılım and Elin Enerji have made a cooperation for the production, supply and sale of rooftop Solar Power Plant panels. Thanks to this agreement, Elin Enerji will provide support in line with the requirements of Vakıf Katılım’s customers with respect to the production, supply and sale of SPP panels.

“We build the future with the inspiration that we take from history”

Stating that the cooperation made with Elin Enerji is the sign of importance that Vakıf Katılım pays to the environment, Mr. Osman Çelik, General Manager of Vakıf Katılım, said, “As Vakıf Katılım, we both support the environmentally-conscious and a sustainable future and also contribute to the decrease of current account deficit in energy field in cooperation with the firms making renewable energy investments. We provide “Green Finance” support to the projects in public and private sectors and act with the objective to leave a more habitable world to the future generations. We will continue our operations in line with “Sustainable Development Plan” declared by the United Nations and provide financing for environment-friendly and renewable energy investments.

By supporting the investments which will reveal the energy potential in our country, we contribute to the reduction of foreign dependency in energy field and to the use of clean energy in households. Starting from this motivation, we provide end-to-end consultancy services for the investors in their energy projects and offer financial solutions to our SMEs in order to facilitate the access of SMEs to finance in green energy field. With its efficiency, productivity and saving-oriented products, Vakıf Katılım will continue to support renewable energy investments and develop suitable solutions for the sustainability goals of our country”.

Having made some evaluations on this cooperation, Arda Yalı, the Chairman of the Executive Board of Elin Enerji, said that:

“Thanks to this leadership & support provided for the investments in renewable energy field with this cooperation protocol, we feel honored and proud to contribute to our country’s future with clean and green energy. We worked very hard to reach our goal to become a company which manufactures, exports and builds in 100th anniversary of our Republic and achieved this goal in 2022. In line with Turkey’s goals within the scope of Paris Climate Agreement, we expect to adopt these principles and reach zero carbon emission goal before the year 2053 along with our suppliers and business partners.”
