Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of Vakıf Katılım was held on 25th of March, 2022 at the Headquarters of the Bank.
Öztürk Oran, the Chairman of the Board of Vakıf Katılım, has made a statement after the General Assembly Meeting and said that; “We are glad to have left behind a very successful year in which we accomplished all of our objectives. In my speech in opening ceremony in 2016, I had emphasized that we would be one of the most outstanding players of the sector in a short time. Today, it makes me extremely happy to see that we have accomplished this objective in a shorter time than expected. As we express at every opportunity, it’s among the most significant foundation principles of Vakıf Katılım to revive the foundation works inherited by our ancestors and to keep alive the values which ensoul the foundations. Following such a successful year that we left behind, we have decided to pay 10% of the profit we obtained in 2021 as dividend to the Fused Foundations, which are administrated and represented by our main partner Directorate General of Foundations, to be used in the reconstruction of the Vakıf Gureba Hospital. As long as the successful performance of our institution continues, I would like to emphasize especially that we will transfer much more resources to revive our Foundations”.
In the Meeting of the Board of Directors which was held following the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting; Osman Çelik, the Board Member of Vakıf Katılım, has been appointed as the General Manager of the Bank as of 25th of March, 2022. İkram Göktaş, former General Manager of Vakıf Katılım, will continue to serve as the Board Member of the Bank.
Öztürk Oran, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vakıf Katılım, said that; “I wish that the changes in our management would be beneficial to Vakıf Katılım and participation finance sector. Mr. Osman Çelik has been serving as the Board Member in our Institution for a long time. Now, I believe that he will make great contributions to Vakıf Katılım as the General Manager. I would like to express our thanks to Mr. İkram Göktaş for his General Manager position that he held successfully from the first day of our foundation. He will continue to serve as our Board Member and will share his experiences with Vakıf Katılım and this sector”.
Making a statement on the subject, Osman Çelik, the General Manager of Vakıf Katılım, said that; “In this journey that we set out with the vision of becoming a reference and pioneering institution in the participation banking sector, we will continue to take steps to carry a step further not only our Institution but also this sector as well with our experienced team and our management mentality which appreciates the team work. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. İkram Göktaş who has made great contributions to Vakıf Katılım’s success in becoming one of the most outstanding players of the sector in just 6 years and I believe that he will make significant contributions to us in his position as the Board Member”.
Osman Çelik, the General Manager of Vakıf Katılım, was born in Erzincan in 1964. He graduated from the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, at the Middle East Technical University. Between 1986 and 1987, he worked as an economist at the State Institute of Statistics. Between 1988 and 1995, he worked as a Specialist and as Chief Specialist at the Project Assessment and Preparation Department of the Faisal Finance Institution. He continued his duty as the Project and Marketing Manager at İhlas Finance between 1995 and 1999. Between 2000 and 2005, he worked as the Executive Vice President at Anadolu Finance. Between 2006 and 2015, he took up the positions of Executive Vice President responsible for Loans and Commercial Banking, respectively, and as General Manager as of June 2015 at the Türkiye Finans Katılım Bank. Mr. Çelik was appointed as the Undersecretary to the Treasury as of 29 June 2016. During his service in the Undersecretariat of Treasury, he served as the Executive Committee Member at Islamic Development Bank and as G20 Turkey Sherpa. During this period, he served as governor in World Bank, EBRD, Asian Development Bank, Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, Ecobank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and as Executive Committee Member in FSB, Financial Stability Committee, Interest-Free Finance Coordination Board and KOSGEB. Having served as the Chairman of the Board, Board Member and the President of the Audit Committee of Turkish Eximbank between 2017 and 2021, Mr. Çelik has worked as the Board Member and as the President of Credit Committee at Vakıf Katılım Bankası A.Ş. as of October 2018. He has been appointed as the General Manager of Vakıf Katılım as of 25th of March 2022.
İkram Göktaş, the Board Member of Vakıf Katılım, was born in 1969 in Bitlis, Mutki. He graduated from the Department of Business Administration of the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Ankara. From 1992 to 2000, he worked in various positions at Garanti Bank. He held managerial positions including Deputy General Manager at Anadolu Finans from 2001 to 2005 and at Türkiye Finans Participation Bank from 2006 to 2015. Having served as Board Member and General Manager at Vakıf Katılım Bankası A.Ş. as of October 2015, Mr. Göktaş continues his position as the Board Member of the Bank as of 25th of March 2022.